Our Thoughts

//The science underpinning our NGPs – and a world Beyond Smoke…

Posted 24/04/2020 8:56am

By Grant O’Connell, Strategic Science and Policy Engagement Director

Beyond Smoke is an exciting new manifesto from Imperial Brands.

It explains the scientific approach underpinning the development of our Next Generation Products (NGPs), and how our belief in the transformative potential of our NGP portfolio for adult smokers across the globe is grounded in the best-practice public health policy of Tobacco Harm Reduction, or THR.

Disappointingly, THR isn’t yet universally accepted by regulators. However, we believe the evidence is incredibly persuasive and THR principles therefore underpin the science we conduct and the innovations we explore and develop.

Simply, we want to make satisfying, harm reduced cigarette alternatives for as many of the world’s billion adult smokers as possible.

We aim to achieve this by offering a broad, multi-faceted range of NGPs to assist them in their unique, personal journeys away from cigarettes.

To achieve regulatory compliance while also building belief among adult smokers – many of whom are still sceptical about NGPs – it’s crucial we scientifically substantiate our new products.

If nobody accepts or uses them, or if authorities regulate them as tobacco or pharmaceutical products, their public health potential will be limited at best.

Some of Beyond Smoke’s key concepts are explored above

While Imperial Brands has a strong R&D heritage, our people and our plans are increasingly inspired and driven by science, technology and innovation – as well as strong brands that resonate with adult smokers.​

We’re determined to lead the transformation of the tobacco industry through our ​broad, exciting portfolio of NGPs. To help achieve our ambitions, we’re investing significantly in our people, resources and engagement.

Beyond Smoke is a key component of this, as it constitutes a science-driven, strategic rationale for our NGP portfolio.

We hope you’re as enthused about it as we are!

Read and see more about Beyond Smoke here.


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