Our Thoughts

//A pragmatic approach to #tobaccoharmreduction (THR) underpins our ongoing efforts in the #NextGenerationProduct space. We’ve created a striking new graphical asset to help better explain THR to those adult smokers who may not be aware of harm reduction: https://t.co/8HQ5gSMsLf https://t.co/Exi4LV8Tj9

Posted 22/09/2021 10:19am

A pragmatic approach to #tobaccoharmreduction (THR) underpins our ongoing efforts in the #NextGenerationProduct space.

We’ve created a striking new graphical asset to help better explain THR to those adult smokers who may not be aware of harm reduction:

https://t.co/8HQ5gSMsLf https://t.co/Exi4LV8Tj9

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