Explore scientific data on both our Next Generation and traditional tobacco portfolios. Use the filters below to narrow things down, or simply search via keyword. Scroll down to explore scientific data.
Assessment of the Cardiovascular impact of e-vapour and heated tobacco products using New Approach Methodologies
Chemical characterisation of a ceramic wick e-vapour product aerosol reveals marked reductions in toxicant levels when compared to cigarette smoke CORESTA 2024
Trends in relative risk perceptions of EVP among US adults Analysis of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study Data, 2013-2021 CORESTA 2024
Assessment of a Heated Tobacco Product in ToxTracker and ToxProfiler assays reveal marked reductions in biological activity compared to cigarettes ESTIV
Chemical and biological assessment of a Heated Herbal Product reveals marked reductions in aerosol toxicants and in vitro toxicity compared to cigarette smoke ESTIV
Genotoxicological assessment of a range of commercially available next generation product aerosols reveals marked reductions in biological activity compared to cigarette smoke
Chemical and biological assessment of a Heated Herbal Product reveals marked reductions in aerosol toxicants and in vitro toxicity compared to cigarette smoke
Chemical and biological assessment of a Heated Tobacco Product (PULZE & iD) reveals marked reductions in aerosol toxicants and in-vitro toxicity compared to a combustible cigarette (EUROTOX 2023)
Key Challenges and Recommendations for In-Vitro Testing of Tobacco Products for Regulatory Applications: Consideration of Test Materials and Exposure Parameters
28 Day Repeated Exposure of Human 3D Bronchial Epithelial Model to Heated Tobacco Aerosols Indicates Decreased Toxicological Responses Compared to Cigarette Smoke
Multiple Endpoint In Vitro Toxicity Assessment of a Prototype Heated Tobacco Product Indicates Substantially Reduced Effects Compared to Those of Combustible Cigarettes
A Survey of Aerosol Exposure Systems Relative to the Analysis of Cytotoxicity (CORESTA 2022)
Ciliary Beat Frequency: Proceedings and Recommendations from a Multi-laboratory Ring Trial Using 3-D Reconstituted Human Airway Epithelium to Model Mucociliary Clearance
A clinical study to evaluate the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and safety and tolerability profiles of tobacco‑free oral nicotine pouches relative to cigarettes
Preclinical Assessment of Tobacco-Free Nicotine Pouches Demonstrates Reduced In Vitro Toxicity Compared with Tobacco Snus and Combustible Cigarette Smoke
Reductions in biomarkers of exposure to selected harmful and potentially harmful constituents following exclusive and partial switching from combustible cigarettes to myblu (CORESTA 2021)
Curiosity and intentions to use myblu ends and an examination of the gateway theory data from cross sectional nationally representative surveys (TSCR 2021)
Collecting E‐Cigarette Aerosols for In Vitro Applications: A Survey of the Biomedical Literature and Opportunities to Increase the Value of Submerged Cell Culture‐based Assessments
Workshop Series to Identify, Discuss, and Develop Recommendations for the Optimal Generation and Use of In Vitro Assay Data for Tobacco Product Evaluation Phase 1 – Genotoxicity Assays